My style of working is completely dependant on the situation of the individual I am working with. My job is to give you the support, structure, strategies and solutions, to enable you to deal with the situation that is currently interfering with your life, but ultimately the responsibility lies with you and is about you buying into the process throughout the time you spend with me and then executing the strategies we discuss and agree on. Don’t buy into the process and there will be no end product….it’s as simple as that.
Remember, I have been at the very forefront of extreme success, playing as a top flight Premiership Footballer in front of millions of people, but have also experienced catastrophic failure by being told it was all over at the age of 25. However, by following the correct guidance and the strategies above, and facing certain fears along the way, I achieved everything I set out to do…and I will help you achieve exactly the same, whatever the situation may be.